(3)In The Beginning……


  • All waivers should be in by today.
  • Realistically, all URLs should be emailed to me by today also.
  • If anyone is interested there is some KnightFit clothing available from previous orders… come see what we have and I’ll make you a deal…

Warm up / Preparation:

  • 2 minutes of running.  Does not matter how fast or how far.  Just RUN.
  • 1 minute of skipping.  Do this as fast as you can.  Speed is actually important here.
  • 10 push ups + 5 triceps dips (demo provided: there are options)
  • Mobility: shoulder ROM, posterior deltoid activation, partner shoulder stretch (demonstrations provided).  There are also some good stretches in the link from Breaking Muscle HERE
  • Skips: 20 x A + 20 x C
  • Stretch, bands, rollers as necessary

Skills:  Demonstration then 5 (or prescribed number) of practice reps

  • KB swing
  • Plate 8
  • Split squat jump
  • Hammer curl


Lift: Bench Press

  • Fundamental resistance exercise for building upper body strength and shoulder stability
  • We will look at proper form, spotter’s duties, safety.
  • Posterior deltoid band work: helps in transition phase of the lift.

Progression: 5 reps bench press, demonstrate perfect form, very low weight

Strength component:  Bench press 3 x 10.  The goal is to estimate 50% of your 3-rep max.  This will be easier for some than others.  Help each other out.

Between sets: single-hand dumbbell rows (lawnmowers) – reverse BW pull ups (leibert bars) – triceps dips.  5 reps of each (5 each hand for DB rows)

Concept focus: Complimentary (opposing) resistance exercises.  Post these answers as part of your training (b)log post today.

  • What are opposing exercises?  Give two examples.
  • Why do we do opposing exercises?  Do these exercises compliment one another?  Why (not)?
  • If you have trouble with this concept, read a REALLY simplified explanation HERE

WOD:  Descending ladder: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of each of the following…

  • KB swings (to parallel)
  • Plate 8s
  • Split squat jumps
  • Biceps curls (each arm)

Finisher: 30 second plank – 25 sit ups – 30 second plank



I did not enjoy the A and C skips in the warm up because I find that I don’t have to coordination or the flexibility to do them properly. But I did enjoy the finisher because I like core workouts and I find them enjoyable.

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