(5)In The Beginning……

Notes / Reminders:

  • Time to get back at it after yesterday’s mess…
  • Waivers (not that you need a reminder because we have ALL of them in today, no?)
  • blog URLs: thanks to those who have sent them already, and to those who have stopped by to ask for help… remember to keep up with your posts…

Warm up / Preparation:

  • Alternate the following x3: run one lap – one set of stairs
  • 10 of each: A-skip – C-skip – lunge step (5 each leg)
  • Skill: 10 x alternate hand rage ball push ups
  • leg swings: 7-10 each leg in each direction
  • Hips: opener and closer gate skips (10 of each)
  • Skill: Pendlay rows
  • Stretch, rollers, bands, etc as necessary


Alternating Exercises: concept review

Complete the following in order, 2 rounds:

  • 10 Goblet squats (demo provided)
  • 10 lunge steps (weighted, options for how you hold the weight)
  • 10 Pendlay rows
  • 10 decline push ups (feet/fulcrum above hands, NO HSPU)

WOD: Descending ladder (revisited)

Since we did not have time yesterday, we will revisit the concept of a descending ladder today.

8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 of each of the following, to be completed with a partner with only one partner working at a time (work:rest = 1:1)

  • KB swings (to parallel)
  • Plate 8s
  • Split squat jumps
  • Biceps curls (each arm)

Finisher: 30 second plank – 25 sit ups – 30 second plank

What to blog about today…

  • How difficult was the descending ladder?
  • Do you think the difficulty changes if both partners can work at the same time?  How?
  • Create your own 4 or 5 exercise descending ladder using body weight exercises and post it on your blog…


I found it was easy until I got to level 5 because at that point it got really hard and it felt like my arms weighed a million pounds. It would be much more difficult because you wouldn’t get a break. ” push-ups, chin-ups, sit-ups, squats, burpees”

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