(6)In The Beginning…….

Reminders and other stuff:

  • Everyone should have a URL emailed to me by now… Please remember to post every day (grading starts toward the end of next week)
  • Important: Regardless of your experience or perceived expertise, please FOLLOW THE PRESCRIPTION for the day in the next few classes.  Safety and group dynamics demand this.  Everyone was once a beginner, and development/improvement only comes from recognizing and embracing this fact.  Instead of wandering away from the plan, help someone less experienced than yourself; you will both benefit long-term.

Warm up / Preparation:

  • Run 2 laps of quad in each direction
  • Skip: 100 singles or 25 DU
  • Squat walk x 10m; squat hop x 10m
  • Leg swings: x10 each leg in each of 2 planes
  • Grapevine x15m in 2 directions
  • Hip/leg stretches to be demonstrated + wrist stretch demo
  • Any static stretches, rollers, bands you need

Skills:  Squats

  • Today, we will work with the bar on our shoulders, getting comfortable with various forms of squats including: back and front, (split, pistol, and overhead if there is time)
  • Safety and spotting
  • Drills
  • Power development; complementary exercises.


  • Ideally: 5-10 reps of each form of squat with a complementary exercise between (# of reps for this exercise depends on what squat you have just done).
  • Complimentary exercise examples, with demonstration:
  • Lunge steps (you know these), calf raises, box drops with vertical explosive jump, various cadences of stair work…
  • Work for PERFECT FORM and not heavy weight.
  • Metabolic conditioning: cardio breaks and/or met-con work between squat sets.

Feeling empowered in the weight room starts today... for some of you, it is the opportunity to empower others: get after it!

What should you blog about today?

  • Which form of squat is most challenging for you?  Why?
  • Do you have a favourite squat (if we don’t work on all of them today you may want to wait before you answer this one)?
  • Overall impressions on working with a bar on your shoulders…
  • Anything else from today’s class or this week’s activities


Front squat, because I never feel confident cause I always feel like I’m gonna drop the bar. I like the back squat cause that is my best lift. I found that it was slightly uncomfortable and it got even worse the more weight we added. No.

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