
Notes / Reminders:

  • Sunscreen and water for any outdoor workouts this week!
  • Continue with training blog posts and nutrition challenge log!

Warm up / Preparation:

  • run 600m
  • Use the remaining 200m in your second lap to complete the following (mix it up and determine how much of each you need…
  • A-skip
  • C-skip
  • shuffle jacks squat hop/walk
  • grapevine
  • high knee grapevine
  • When you get back to the weight room:
  • 5 good mornings then 5 pendlay rows

Strength Component:  Strict press

  • Pyramid: 3 – 6 – 9 – 6 – 3.  As yesterday, maintain same (9 rep) resistance for the first 3, then 6, then 9, then increase for second 6 and second 3.
  • After each set: 5 pull ups

**You do 12, partner does 11, you do 10, partner does 9, and so on.  Switch who starts every other exercise.  Complete the exercises in any order.

* 3 burpees

  • Jumping pull ups
  • Wall balls each between exercises.**Perfect form is a must!
    • Jumping jacks
    • Sit ups
    • HR push ups
    • Renegade rows (no push up)
  • Goblet squats
  • RS obique crunches
  • LS oblique crunches
  • Lateral DB raises
  • Split squat jumps
  • curb or rock hops
  • DB shoulder shrugs
  • Med ball slams

End the hour with the following:

  • 10 ab complex and a 60 second plank

My Thoughts:


Didn’t like the strength component format but I’m glad we got to work on strict press because my shoulders need to be developed more. Hoping to get my strict press up to 120LBS by the end of this semester.


Notes / reminders:

  • One more week of the nutrition for performance challenge… bring any issues you may have ASAP.
  • Keep working on your form, your mobility, and your metabolic conditioning… there is some SERIOUS progress being made!

Warm up / Preparation:

  • Run a lap of the track.
  • Stop at the steeple (north end water jump) and perform the following: 3 burpees – 10 push ups – 15 squats
  • When your lap is done: 10 A-skip + 10 C-skip then 10 shuffle jacks each direction
  • leg swings in two planes (both legs)
  • accelerate BACKWARDS 25m
  • Skip 1 min
  • Any rollers, bands, tubing, etc you need

Strength Component: Hang Cleans

  • 3 – 6 – 9 – 6 – 3… pick your weights wisely.  You may adjust between sets.  FORM is the focus, so don’t start with your 3RM… ask if you have questions.
  • Between sets: 200m jog + 10 jumping jacks + 5 push ups


Complete 2 rounds of the following:

  • 50 double unders (ratio of 4:1)
  • 40 curb (or rock) step ups
  • 30 T2B (or K2E or v-ups or combine reps of multiple variations / scaled versions)
  • 20 push press (light-ish)
  • 10 burpee tuck jumps


  • Plank 1 min – 20 jacknives – plank 1 min

My Thoughts:

I wasn’t a huge fan of the 3-6-9-6-3 format but other then that the exercises. I found the ab workout to be fairly difficult, with a total of 2 minutes of planking. I hope to see an improvement in my hang clean weight and form.

(58) Progression….

Day 58: Friday 4th May 2018
Notes / Reminders:

Training blogs and nutrition challenge: try to get stuff in order over the weekend please (if you haven’t already… and for those who have: awesome job!)
Thanks to those who helped with the restructuring of our space yesterday. Looks better, more functional… making the most of our space!
Last day of the week: Let’s get after it and put in a solid effort!
Warm up / Preparation:

Run or row 1-2 min
Alternate 6 lunge step and 2 squat hop for 10-15m
5 hip hinge wherever the lunges and hops take you
C-skip back to where you started
grapevine 15-20m in two directions
Shoulder ROM with a partner or solo (use some swings or rotations in at least two planes)
OH squat positioning drills with dowels (assistance and demos provided)
Tubing, bands, rollers, etc as necessary

On May the 4th, for all the Star Wars fans in the KnightFit crews and beyond…

Strength component: Cleans (etc)

warm up set: 10 hang cleans THEN 5 consecutive push jerks with THE SAME BAR.
3 sets: each set will contain 8 hang cleans then 5 consecutive push press without putting the bar down. Choose your resistance and your location wisely and safely. **Spotters should (must) get involved for the push press component.
After each set: try out the new slam balls… 5 reps (or 8 or 10 if you’re having that kind of a day…)
Metabolic Conditioning:

row 500m
run 3 consecutive sets of stairs (no rest) AND change your pattern in the middle set (ex: two at a time or both feet hit every stair)… always come down using “normal” pattern.
10 KB swings
10 OH squat reps with a dowel
1 min plank

My Thoughts:

At the trivia reach thing today.

(57) Progression….

Day 57: Thursday 3rd May 2018
Notes / Reminders:

Nutrition challenge is past the half-way point… keep up with your records and start considering your write-up/response
Good luck to the varsity girls’ and boys’ soccer teams in the second home game of the week…
Warm up / Preparation:

Run 2 min or monitor your HR: aim for bottom of target HR zone!
10 lunge steps + 10 opener and closer steps
5 good mornings
3 x 10 second pike hold OR diagonal wall walk and hold
shoulder ROM with partners or tubing
Bands, rollers, etc as necessary

Noah from our KnightFit Crew in the open boys steeplechase at the 2018 CPHS Hibernation Track and Field Meet

Strength Component: Deadlift

Warm up set of 10 at a manageable weight
3 x 8 @ ~65% 3RM: you may increase resistance by small amounts as long as your form allows (pay particular attention to the negative… if the weight is pulling your spine angle away from neutral your form cannot handle the weight you are using!)
After each set: 5 pull ups (any variety you choose)
WOD: Burpee Pull Up Sandwich

10 overhead squats (use bar or plate or dowel)
10 box jumps (for a challenge: use a smaller box and CLEAR it)
10 thrusters
10 power cleans (light weight)
10 toes to bar
10 burpee pull ups
10 toes to bar
10 power cleans
10 thrusters
10 box jumps
10 OH squat

30 second plank – 5 ab complex – 5 AbMat sit ups – 30 second plank

My Thoughts:

I didn’t really do anything today, I was having an off day. As far as the nutrition challenge I’m falling behind a little with the hole recording thing, I’ll try and get caught up.

(56) Progression….

Day 56: Wednesday 2nd May 2018
Notes / Reminders:

Good luck to the Track and Field team at the Hibernation meet in Carleton Place! Knight Time yet again!
Warm up / Preparation:

run 400m on track or bus loop
Return to weight room/hallway and complete the following:
hip hinge x 5
A-skip and C-skip x 10 each
leg swings in two planes until you feel comfortable
wall/partner shoulder ROM
Posterior deltoid activation with bands / tubing
Rollers, bands, tubing as necessary


Strength Component: Bench Press

Warm up set of 10 reps with an appropriate resistance (should be NO struggle here: focus on ROM and form)
4 x 8 @ ~65% 3RM. You may increase resistance as your form allows, and you should NOT struggle with any reps until the final set. Be sure to have spotters in the right spot, communicate with the lifter!
After each set, 8 single arm DB rows (lawnmowers): 4 each arm

Complete the following twice. In the second round, alternate supine leg scissors for jacknives.

100 jumping jacks
50 jacknives
20 triceps dips
15 air squats (goblet with a KB for a challenge)
20 lunge steps (each leg)… use weighted pass-through for a challenge
50 Russian twists
20 calf raises
10 push ups (decline for a challenge… NO handstands today!)
30 second plank
10 split squat jumps

5 ab complex and 1 minute plank


My Thoughts:

We did a lot of bench today but didn’t get around to doing a hole lot of the workout. We got to 155lbs for our 8 rep sets, by the end of this simester I want to be able to bench 225lbs for my three rep max


(55) Progression….

Notes / Reminders:

  • Good luck to the varsity girls’ and boys’ soccer teams in their season openers on the NG field today!  It’s Knight Time!!

Warm up:

  • run 200-400m (use the bus loop)
  • Back inside for active warm up
  • A-skip and C-skip x 10 each
  • Opener/closer walk x 10 each
  • squat hop x 3 + inchworm x 3 + squat hop x 3 + inchworm x 3
  • Shoulder ROM and bands
  • Tubing, rollers, bands, etc as necessary

Workout and Strength Component Combined:

Today’s workout is called “A Mile In My Shoes”, and we will run (yup, you guessed it) one mile.  However, it’s not that straightforward…

Groups of 4 or 5

Bars with bumpers on the bleacher pad by the start/finish line on the track.  You have to be able to clean, front squat, deadlift and power clean the weight you set up.

Kettlebells and skipping ropes by the 200m start line (KBs on grass off the track).

Lift order:

  • Hang clean
  • Deadlift
  • Front squat
  • Power clean

Activity order:

  • SDHP
  • Double unders
  • Alternating single hand KB snatch
  • Single skip alternating single leg

How it works…

  • First two team members run 200m while second two perform hang clean reps.  Lifters may rest for 10 seconds at any point.
  • Second two team members run 200m while first two perform KB SDHP at the 200m mark (on the grass).  Again, lifters may rest for 10 seconds at any point.
  • Repeat until 4 laps (just over one mile) have been completed, using the lift/activity schedule above.

Back inside for abs:

  • 5 McGill crunches – 5 ab complex – 5 superman – 60 second plank

My Thoughts:

Today was extremely tiring and I could not hold a steady pace. The hardest component of this for me was not actually the lifts, for me it was all the running I had to do in between them. I need to train my cardio harder cause I’ve been ignoring it for a long time. I like this style of workout we’ve been doing outside.

(54) Progression….

(53) Progression….

Notes / Reminders:

  • Training blogs: some of you are QUITE delinquent in your completion of this mandatory course component… if you need help just ask!

Warm up / Preparation:

  • Run or row for one minute then skip for a minute or two…
  • good morning x 5 then front squat with the same bar x 5
  • Inchworm push up x 5
  • A-skip and C-skip x 5-10 each
  • Posterior deltoid activation with bands / tubing
  • Any bands / rollers / ROM you need

Strength Component: Hatfield Muscle Fiber Lab Test

  • Calculations:  Use your 3RM for bench press and back squat, and do the following for each:
  • divide your 3RM by 0.9444 to determine your THEORETICAL 1RM (which we will NEVER test in this class)
  • multiply your theoretical 1RM by 0.8 to get 80% 1RM which you will use for the tests.
  • after one or two warm up sets at 50-60% 3RM, complete as many unbroken reps as possible at 80% 1RM.  Repeat for bench / back squats.
  • Record your results and appropriate information on the sheets at the front of the room… if you have questions about this PLEASE ASK as the lab for the PSK 4U students depends to some extent on the accuracy of the data collection

When you’re done both squat a bench tests:

Option 1:

  • Skill work:  grab a bar or a KB or a pull up station and work on some skills… ask if you’re not sure…

Option 2:

  • 10 burpee box jumps
  • 10 inchworms
  • 10 cross-body KB extensions (5 each side)
  • 10 gunslingers (5 each side)
  • 10 plate 8s (5 each direction)


  • 10 hollow rocks – 10 oblique crunches each side – 10 hollow rocks

My Thoughts:

This was fun and surprising. on my squat I was able to squat 210 lbs for 13 reps. On bench i got 155 lbs for 11 reps. I wish we had more to do after the experiment because i finished it early.