








Notes / Reminders:

  • Final assignments are due by the last day of class.  No excuses!
  • Final testing phase starts next week… looking forward to seeing some serious PRs!!

Warm up / Preparation:

  • Run 400m
  • Choose 3 active mobility ROM for squat mobility and/or hips.  Your choice based on how you feel you need to warm up today.  Ask if you aren’t sure.
  • Choose 3 full body active movements and perform at least 5 reps (ex: inchworms, burpees, jumping jacks, shuffle jacks, etc)
  • 1 round of Cindy (5 pull ups – 10 push ups – 15 squats)
  • Tubing, bands, rollers, etc as necessary

Strength Component: Deadlifts

  • warm up set of 10 at a manageable resistance
  • 4 x 10 @ ~60-65% 3RM; increase resistance for FINAL SET ONLY
  • After each set: 3 box jumps – 10 DU (25 singles)



My Thoughts:

I wasn’t able to lift at all cause I pulled a muscle in my back lifting one of the riding mowers yesterday, but the ROMWOD did really help stretch out my back. I think it’s the first time the ROMWOD has ever actually been helpful.
