Blog Post #5

An environmental technician, typically working under the direction of an environmental scientist, monitors the environment and investigates sources of pollution by performing laboratory and field tests. … An environmental technician may also be called an environmental science and protection technician.

A pharmacy technician is a health care protector who performs pharmacy related functions, generally working under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist. Pharmacy technicians work in a variety of locations (usually in community, retail, and hospital pharmacies), but can also work for long-term care facilities, pharmaceutical manufacturers, third-party insurance companies, computer software companies, or in government or teaching. Job duties include dispensing prescription drugs and other medical devices to patients and instructing on their use.

Electroplates coat items with metal. It is an entry-level job, and the process, which originated in 1840, has a variety of commercial applications. … Electroplating is used in jewellery, automotive parts, electronic components, metal furniture, and appliances.

Renewable energy technicians are more commonly known by their specialities, such as solar photo-voltaic installer or wind turbine service technician. All have to do with ensuring the efficient functioning of equipment that collects, generates or distributes power through alternative means.

Para-veterinary workers are those people who assist a veterinary physician in the performance of their duties, or carry out animal health procedures autonomously as part of a veterinary care system. The job role varies throughout the world, and common titles include veterinary nurse, veterinary technician, veterinary assistant and veterinary technologist, and variants with the prefix of ‘animal health’.

Relevant master’s and doctoral degree programs include those in general management, chemistry a biological science or medical technology. Biochemistry technologists perform biochemical testing on bodily fluids, such as urine and blood. The information obtained helps doctors with diagnosing patients.

Blog Post #4

Increased monitoring and reporting of air and water pollution influences the actions of individuals because it makes us more aware of the damage were doing to the planet. Exposures to environmental pollution remain a major source of health risk throughout the world, though risks are generally higher in developing countries, where poverty, lack of investment in modern technology and weak environmental legislation combine to cause high pollution levels. Associations between environmental pollution and health outcome are, however, complex and often poorly characterised. Levels of exposure, for example, are often uncertain or unknown as a result of the lack of detailed monitoring and inevitable variations within any population group. Exposures may occur via a range of pathways and exposure processes. Individual pollutants may be implicated in a wide range of health effects, whereas few diseases are directly attributable to single pollutants. Long latency times, the effects of cumulative exposures, and multiple exposures to different pollutants which might act synergistic-ally all create difficulties in unravelling associations between environmental pollution and health. Nevertheless, in recent years, several attempts have been made to assess the global burden of disease as a result of environmental pollution, either in terms of mortality or disability-adjusted life years (DALYs). About 8–9% of the total disease burden may be attributed to pollution, but considerably more in developing countries. Unsafe water, poor sanitation and poor hygiene are seen to be the major sources of exposure, along with indoor air pollution. WHIMS labels everything so that you know how to properly package and dispose of chemicals to do the least amount of damage to the environment as possible.

Blog Post #3


As useful as plastic is for humans, it’s not worth the damage it’s doing to our environment. The amount of garbage in the world increases as the population grows, and disposable plastic products, like water bottles and soda cans, accumulate over time. Plastic pollution occurs when enough plastic has gathered in an area that it affects the natural environment and harms plants, animals, or humans. Overuse of plastic is the main cause of plastic pollution. Plastic is cheap and widely available, but people frequently dispose of plastic items. They don’t decompose, and they release an incredible amount of toxins into the air if they’re burned. Regular, everyday trash is one of the biggest contributors to plastic pollution. Milk cartons with plastic linings, disposable water bottles, soaps with small plastic beads, and other products end up in the environment or in dumps where they can affect the groundwater and nearby wildlife.

The pollution in the ocean is mostly from plastic, and it has a terrible impact on marine species. As a result, it can hurt the economy and food supply for communities that rely on fishing. Plastic can hurt tiny organisms like plankton, which larger animals rely on for food. If small organisms are poisoned from ingesting plastic, the animals that eat them will also consume toxins. The toxins work their way up the food chain and can even be present in the fish people eat. Not only does plastic cause damage to the ocean, but it can also damage groundwater sources. Many regions are already facing issues with , but water sources everywhere are in danger because of plastic pollution. Plastic toxins in dumps and from litter can seep into the groundwater, which people drink every day. On land, wind can carry plastic waste or litter throughout the environment. It can get stuck in trees, fences, traffic lights, or other structures. When animals come into contact with this plastic waste, they risk consuming the toxins or becoming entangled in the plastic and suffocating. If an animal consumes a piece of plastic, the plastic can clog its stomach while also poisoning it with toxins. Almost 200 different species of animals are known to ingest plastic debris. Air pollution is another issue for humans and animals. When plastic is burned in the open air, it releases large amounts of toxins, which pollutes the air. If the toxins are inhaled for a long period of time, it can lead to respiratory problems. As the world’s population increases, land becomes more valuable, and it will soon become difficult to find places to put garbage. Over time, landfills and dumps will take up more land, invading animals’ habitats and coming even closer to groundwater sources.

Creating, and disposing plastic is damaging our environment more then we know or would like to admit. From the greenhouse gases to damaging the water supply plastic has zero benefits to the earth and we need to find a way to reduce plastic pollution.

Blog Post #2

The reality is that even an aspirin can have adverse effects or cause harm if you don’t follow recommended doses, directions, and warnings. These laxatives can cause dehydration or abnormal levels of electrolytes in the blood, leading to kidney damage. Ingesting them over a long period of time can lead to any number of adverse effects and lead to a worsening of a disease that should be treated by a medical professional. Acetaminophen, a common fever and pain reliever found in many OTC drugs, is combined with opioids such as codeine, hydrocodone, and oxycodone in prescription painkillers. If you ingest 325 mg of Acetaminophen it can be fairly dangerous, so it’s important to read the labels first to make sure you aren’t consuming to much at once.


Tanning oil with SPF 8 technically is sunscreen, but it’s just not enough protection. The Skin Cancer Foundation recommends using broad-spectrum tanning with at least SPF 15. But should you go higher? Some say the often-pricier high-SPF sunscreens are a waste of money, since they don’t provide much more protection—SPF 30 blocks 97% of rays, while SPF 50 blocks just 1% more. However, they do have some benefit. Using sunscreen with an improper amount of SPF for your skin type can result in skin cancer. You have to be careful when selecting your sunscreen to make sure you get the best/safest kind for you.


Chemical ingredients such as avobenzone and benzophenone,work by absorbing UV rays, reducing it’s absorption into the skin, whereas physical ingredients such as titanium dioxide and zinc oxide stay on top of the skin and deflect UV rays. Many sunscreens available today combine chemical and physical ingredients. SPF stands for (sun protection factor) and it is a relative measure of how long a sunscreen will protect your skin from ultraviolet (UV) B rays.

Blog Post #1

Blog Post #1

Car washes have a very negative impact on the environment around them. The water falling off the vehicles contains all sorts of different chemicals from the rust, dirt and soap that it contains.


The biggest problem with a car wash is the water drainage system. 40 gallons of water is used per car that is washed. This water is full of chemicals (sodium chloride, Sodium Lauryl Sulphate) that are released into the environment (soil, water, trees etc.) The drainage water from the car wash doesn’t always stay in the near by environment either; depending on where it’s located, it could very easily get into larger bodies of water and contaminate our drinking water. It doesn’t make sense to keep doing this when there are better and more efficient ways of washing cars that wouldn’t be nearly as harmful on the environment as a normal car wash is.


I would like to see a car wash that uses newer technology that recycles and cleans the water after every use. This would use a significantly smaller amount of water and release less harmful chemicals into the environment. It is also needless to have foaming soap and needless chemicals are used to make this happen.  The consumer feels better to see foamy soap but it creates more polluted water this way.


I think that the most compelling ethical issue raised in this article was how much water we waste. It said that we use around 40 gallons of water per car and on top of that we are then contaminating more water when we release the chemicals into the environment. I think if we used the high pressured mist technology to wash our cars like the article said then we would save a noticeable amount of water and money in the long run.





